Hata Min Data.

Heeejsan alla!!
My computer is dead. I don't know how I succeded.. But - it's dead.
So now I'm sitting on my hostmoms computer, and I just wanted to tell you all that I'm fine, but it might take a while before I can write something here again.
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Anyway. Those last days has been some of the best in my life!! Me and Rebekah have had soo much fun, and to be honest it doesn't feel like she's gonna go home. It feels like she's gonna stay here with me until the summer. Which I wouldn't mind at all!!!
Anyhow, it's been amazing to show her everything. Now it's not just stories that she's gonna hear when I come home, now she's a part of it in another way - now we can share everything!
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Last night was awsone btw, we were watching spiderman, eating salmon dinner, drinking strawberry milkshakes, made brownies, roles, and then we went into the hottub with Janice - and then ate aloooot of ice cream!
- - -
We stayed up until like 3.30, and then we came up with the brilliant idea that we were gonna go up early to surprise Janice with swedish pancake breakfast before she had to leave for work!!
So we went up early and made the biggest pile of swedish pancakes so that Janice became chocked, and happy when she came downstairs. I think that made her day. Wohooo. Aren't we the best swedish girls in the world?!
when it was 8 o'clock and Janice had went to work, it was time for me and Bekah to go back to beeeed!! So we woke up for not that long ago, and now we're sitting here eating swedish pancakes with choclate brownie pieces in them and just enjoying this snowy "morning".\
Later today we're gonna go horsebackriding, and then hang out with Taylor for a while :)
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I hope that you're all feeling well back home!
I miss you all alot, and right now I'm sooo happy that everyone in sweden knows how to speak english because I'm sitting on an american computer. I'm sorry thoguh if I write a bit unclear. Then just tell me and I'll translate it!
- - -
Lots of love to all of you,
// ERAN SandraLinneaVestlund

Postat av: Andreas Rimborg

Pancakes :D

Now it's time for me to sleep, I have a test tomorrow and it's not funny at all :/

But hey sandra, you made me smile when I read this text becuse I will make some swedish pancakes, before I go too school and doing my best at the test. Pancakes may be a good solution for a good result. If you never try, you'll never know!

Miss you too much, I hope I'll run in to you in my dream when im a sleep. there we can sing and talk and eat pancakes. Godnight, take it slow!

Love/ Knone

2010-02-22 @ 01:01:20
Postat av: Andreas Rimborg

Oh one more thing...

I'll see you soon! :)

2010-02-22 @ 01:08:16

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